Back by popular demand, we've updated our data nerd Gift Giving Guide to cap off 2021. We've kept some classics and added some new titles that are sure to put a smile on your data nerd's face. Here are eight highly recommendable books to help you find that special...
What is embedded analytics, and how does it benefit BI?
Eight Top DataOps Trends for 2022
DataOps adoption continues to expand as a perfect storm of social, economic, and technological factors drive enterprises to invest in process-driven innovation. From our unique vantage point in the evolution toward DataOps automation, we publish an annual prediction...
Solve the Analytics Last-Mile Problem with a DataOps Process Hub
Learn how a DataOps Process Hub enables Business Analysts to rapidly answer stakeholders’ analytic questions without waiting on the centralized IT Team.
10 DataOps Principles for Overcoming Data Engineer Burnout
For several years now, the elephant in the room has been that data and analytics projects are failing. Gartner estimated that 85% of big data projects fail. Data from New Vantage partners showed that the number of data-driven organizations has actually declined to...
The Benefits and Drawbacks of DataOps in Practice
Centralize Your Data Processes With a DataOps Process Hub
Data organizations often have a mix of centralized and decentralized activity. DataOps concerns itself with the complex flow of data across teams, data centers and organizational boundaries. It expands beyond tools and data architecture and views the data organization...
The vast majority of data engineers are burnt out. Those working in healthcare are no exception
Battle for Data Pros Heats Up as Burnout Builds
10 Tips to Overcome Data Engineer Burnout’s Bryon Jacob & DataKitchen’s Chris Bergh discuss why Data Engineers are burnt out & how data teams can fix & prevent burnout with DataOps.