Prove Your Team’s Awesomeness with DataOps Process Analytics

One of the main goals of analytics is to improve decision-making. The CDO DataOps Dashboard puts information at the fingertips of executives, so they have a complete picture of what is happening in the data analytics domain.

Do you deserve a promotion? You may think to yourself that your work is exceptional.ย Could you prove it?

As a Chief Data Officer (CDO) or Chief Analytics Officer (CAO), you serve as an advocate for the benefits ofย data-driven decision making. Yet, many CDOโ€™s are surprisingly unanalytical about the activities relating to their own department. Why not use DataOps analytics to shine a light on yourself?

Internal analytics could help you pinpoint areas of concern or provide a big-picture assessment of the state of theย analytics team. We call this set of analytics theย CDO Dashboard. If you are as good as you think you are, the CDO Dashboard will show how simplyย awesomeย you are at what you do. You might find it helpful to share this information with yourย bossย when discussing the data analytics department and your plans to take it to the next level. Below are some reports that you might consider including in yourย CDO dashboard:

Burn Down Chart

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Theย burn down chartย graphically represents the completion of backlog tasks over time. It shows whether a team is on schedule and sheds light on the productivity achieved in each developmentย iteration. It can also show a teamโ€™s accuracy in forecasting its own schedule.

Velocity Chart

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Theย velocity chart shows the amount of work completed during each sprint โ€” it displays how much work the team is doing week in and week out. This chart can illustrate how improved processes and indirect investments (training, tools, process improvements, โ€ฆ) increase velocity over time.

Tornado Report

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Theย Tornado Reportย is a stacked bar chart that displays a weekly representation of the operational impact of production issues and the time required to resolve them. The Tornado Report provides an easy way to see how issues impacted projects and development resources.

Data Arrival Report

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A large organization might receive hundreds of data sets from suppliers and each one could represent dozens of files. All of the data has to arrive error-free in order to, for example, build the critical Friday afternoon report. The Data Arrival report tracks how vendors perform relative to their respective service level agreements (SLA).

The Data Arrival report enables you to track data suppliers and quickly spot delivery issues. Any partner that causes repeated delays can be targeted for coaching and management. The Tornado Report mentioned above can help quantify how much time is spent managing these issues in order to articulate impact. These numbers are quite useful when coaching a peer organization or vendor to improve its quality.

Test Coverage and Inventory

The Test Coverage and Inventory Reports show the degree of test coverage of the data analytics pipeline. It shows the percent of tables and data covered by tests and how test coverage improves over time. The report can also provide details on each test. In a DataOps enterprise, results from tests run on the production pipeline are linked to real-time alerts. If a process fails with an error, the analytics team can troubleshoot the problem by examining test coverage before or after the point of interest.

Statistical Process Controls

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The data analytics pipeline is a complex process with steps often too numerous to be monitored manually.ย Statistical Process Controlย (SPC) tests inputs, outputs and business logic at each stage of the pipeline. It allows the data analytics team to monitor the pipeline end-to-end from a big-picture perspective, ensuring that everything is operating as expected.

Net Promoter Score

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Aย Net Promoterย Score is a customer satisfaction metric that gauges a teamโ€™s effectiveness. For a data team, this is often a survey of internal users who are served by analytics. The Net Promoter Score can show that the data analytics team is effective at meeting the needs of its internal customer constituency or that satisfaction is improving.


One of the main goals of analytics is to improve decision-making. The CDO DataOps Dashboard puts information at the fingertips of executives, so they have a complete picture of what is happening in the data analytics domain. When itโ€™s time to review performance, the CDO DataOps Dashboard can help you show others that the analytics department is a well-oiled machine.ย Now, about that promotionโ€ฆ

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