“[DataKitchen CEO] Chris [Bergh] had a huge impact on the development of "The Unicorn Project", and helped me see the parallel universe of DataOps.” -Gene Kim, Author of "The Unicorn Project™" Almost everyone in the software development world has read a...
Gartner Research Names DataKitchen “Cool Vendor”
Gartner Research Names DataKitchen “Cool Vendor” in Data Management for 2019 Gartner recently named DataKitchen a “Cool Vendor” in Data Management. Analyst Mark Beyer and others put together a list of the hottest new vendors that “offer data and analytics leaders ways...
451 Group On DataKitchen
“We think DataKitchen has a compelling take on the requirements for becoming data-driven, especially as it is set up to address the cultural and process changes that come with transformational projects, and not just the tooling products or services. It is clearly...
Gartner Puts DataOps on the Rise in 2018
Gartner Recognizes DataOps and DataKitchen in latest ‘Hype Cycle’ Great to see @Gartner_inc including #DataOps ‘On The Rise’ in the latest Hype Cycle for Data Management. “Of particular interest, DataOps was added to this year’s Hype Cycle. An analog to DevOps,...
Welcome to the DataKitchen Company Blog
We have a point of view in this blog. Our view is that CDOs and analytic team leaders biggest struggle is to keep up with customer requests and let errors slip into production. The solution to that struggle is to innovate through iteration with DataOps. DataKitchen’s...