DataKitchen’s DataOps Engineers Priyanjna Sharma & Chip Bloche discuss what DataOps Engineering entails, key skills required & when to add one to your data team
Accelerating Drug Discovery and Development with DataOps
A drug company tests 50,000 molecules and spends a billion dollars or more to find a single safe and effective medicine that addresses a substantial market. Figure 1 shows the 15-year cycle from screening to government agency approval and phase IV trials. Drug...
DBTA Readers’ Choice Awards, 2021
Addressing Data Mesh Technical Challenges with DataOps
Below is our third post (3 of 5) on combining data mesh with DataOps to foster greater innovation while addressing the challenges of a decentralized architecture. We’ve talked about data mesh in organizational terms (see our first post, “What is a Data Mesh?”) and how...
Use DataOps With Your Data Mesh to Prevent Data Mush
In our last post, we summarized the thinking behind the data mesh design pattern. In this post (2 of 5), we will review some of the ideas behind data mesh, take a functional look at data mesh and discuss some of the challenges of decentralized enterprise architectures...
What is a Data Mesh?
The data mesh design pattern breaks giant, monolithic enterprise data architectures into subsystems or domains, each managed by a dedicated team. With an architecture comprised of numerous domains, enterprises need to manage order-of-operations issues, inter-domain...
Building a Modern Data Architecture for the 2020s
DataKitchen Wins Data & Analytics Vendor of the Year Award – OnConferences
101 Best Data Center Automation Startups in United States of 2021
A Chat with Randy Bean on His Book, Fail Fast, Learn Faster
Chris Bergh chats with author Randy Bean about his book, Fail Fast, Learn Faster: Lessons in Data-Driven Leadership in an Age of Disruption, Big Data & AI.