Gartner Research Names DataKitchen “Cool Vendor” in Data Management for 2019
Gartner recently named DataKitchen a “Cool Vendor” in Data Management. Analyst Mark Beyer and others put together a list of the hottest new vendors that “offer data and analytics leaders ways to introduce collaborative, modern data management strategies.”
Gartner writes:
“DataKitchen allows enterprises to accelerate data management practices for their data engineering, science and analytic teams. The workflow combines ideas in *agile development, DevOps, statistical process control, data science model deployment and test data automation through a series of steps in a collaborative workflow.”*
The DataKitchen solution boils down to accelerated development and deployment of robust analytics:
- Minimize analytics cycle time without causing regressions.
- Improve collaboration
DataKitchen offers analytics leaders a way to “induce organizationwide change in how data products are consumed and delivered” using DataOps. Data Engineering is critically important to this process and DataKitchen fills this gap. ”Many organizations have aspiring data engineers, experienced data integrators, system analysts and even some advanced business analysts who can also utilize DataKitchen.”
If you’d like to learn more about how DataOps can transform your analytics processes, download DataKitchen’s free book.