Many adages could be applied to implementing a successful, sustainable DataOps program at your organization, such as 'Rome wasn't built in a day.' or, "Don't boil the ocean." To help you approach introducing DataOps into your organization, we at DataKitchen broke down...
Finding an Executive Sponsor for Your DataOps Initiative
DataOps revolutionizes how data-analytics work gets done. Like many other “big ideas,” it sometimes faces resistance from within the organization. For most organizations, data is a means to an end. The organization’s primary focus is on its mission, whether that is a...
Six Top DataOps Trends for 2021
Since the term was coined, DataOps has expanded the way that people think about data analytics teams and their potential. 2020 was a huge year in DataOps industry acceptance. Media mentions of DataOps are on track to increase 52% over the prior year. To date in 2020,...
6 Highly Recommendable Gift Ideas for Your Data Nerd
So you’ve got a special data nerd in your life - congrats! They’re great to keep around for mental math, household finances, and lots of Star Trek jokes. We’re kidding - the data nerd is not a monolith. They come in all shapes, sizes, and nerd varieties. We’ve got...
What Is DataOps? Most Commonly Asked Questions
As DataOps continues to gain exposure, people are encountering the term for the first time. Below is our list of the most common questions that we hear about DataOps. What is DataOps? DataOps is a collection of technical practices, workflows, cultural norms, and...
Why DevOps Tools Fail at DataOps
Implementing DataOps requires a combination of new methods and automation that augment an enterprise’s existing toolchain. The fastest and most effective way to realize the benefits of DataOps is to adopt an off-the-shelf DataOps Platform. Some organizations try to...
How Celgene Built a Billion-Dollar Product Launch Success with DataOps
Rajesh Gill, Associate Director of Commercial Insights, discusses how Celgene used DataOps to build a huge success with the Otezla brand.
Improving Teamwork in Data Analytics with DataOps
Without DataOps, a Bad System Overwhelms Good People When enterprises invite us in to talk to them about DataOps, we generally encounter dedicated and competent people struggling with conflicting goals/priorities, weak process design, insufficient resources, clashing...
Prove Your Team’s Awesomeness with DataOps Process Analytics
One of the main goals of analytics is to improve decision-making. The CDO DataOps Dashboard puts information at the fingertips of executives, so they have a complete picture of what is happening in the data analytics domain.
Gartner: 3 Ways to Deliver Customer Value Faster with DataOps
A summary and recommendations for further reading